This is about living on the waterways from birth. Though the eyes of Callan Baxter. Of the Painted Lady Narrowboat. Supported By Mr Alan S Baxter and Miss Katrina L Slomczynski (mum and dad.)
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Thursday, 31 December 2020
2021 Happy New Year I Hope You Dance By Lee Ann Womack
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
A 2 Z of Home Schooling
I have added the link to A 2 Z of Home Schooling I have found this website to be every useful epically during 2020.
Due to everyone parent having to home school their children during 2020, any online help that could be given to a great help. I belie that this is something that will continue in the future and be apart of every day life.
I have found with my children who addend main stream school that even the schools have taken to handing out online web sites and links for children to be educated at home.
So please feel free to look at this link and see if it can help you so home school your children in the future.
Shopping in 2021 Time to Change!
Shopping in 2021 Time to Change!
Now that 2021is almost upon on up I am using this time to “SHOP SMART” and to look at the ways that I have shopped in the past and how I can change my shopping habits in 2021.
During 2020 everyone had to take this time to STOP and THINK! About a number of things that they do in their lives and now to change the way that live.
One of those ways was by SHOPPING SMART!
So for 2021 I am going to aim to continue to do this and will blog about it and share links on ways that way can all SHOP SMART.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Sunday, 22 November 2020
On line studying, Bitesize
One thing that I have been allowing my children to do this year is use Bitesize to help them with their studying at home.
This is mainly due to Covid 19 lock-down and trying to make sure that my children keep up to date with their learning and do not fall behind due to not being in a classroom environment.
What I have found is that although they have not wanted to pick up a pen and write they have been happy to study with the aid of reading, colouring, and using online educational support like Bitesize and CBeebies.
Help remember, that if you do allow you children to be online that you follow the on line safety guideline to help protect you r children.
If possible have parent lock on your devises that you are allowing them to use is one way that you can try to keep them safe.
Make sure that they have an account that you have set up for them and remember that up until the age of 13 they legally can not run any online accounts without parental consent.
I have added the links below that I allow my 6 and 5 year old to use and links to on line safety guideline.
Teach on line smartly and safely.
Apps for children how safe are they?
I have added a link below that will give you the information about about Social Media Apps for children.
BUT how may of them are really safe for you children to use?
One of the ones that is listed is Tick Tok that later we have found out IS NOT safe to use. So please before allowing your children in line check out the Apps yourself and set up an online account for your children that you can monitor yourself and check you.
Yes when they get older they will want their independence, but it is a parents job to keep them safe and one way for doing this is being up to date with social media and also making sure your child are educated in online safety.
I hope this link helps.
Apps for children
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Wednesday 18th November 2020
Wednesday 18th November 2020
I can not believe that we are drawing so close to the end of an other year and the one thing that I can think of is how lucky that I am to still be alive and to be able to watch my children grow each day.
The hardest job I have had to do is to not just take care of myslef because no one else will do that for you, but to take care of my family.
I have used this time to go back to the drawing board and to work on my future goals and who I can hopefully move forward in 2021 and how my children will also.
One of the main things that I have done is go back to basics and I have done this by taking the time to draw up a budget plan and to try and average out my incomings and outgoings over the last 6 months so that I can start planing for the future.
I will add a budget plan link to this blog, if I have not already added one.
Monday, 16 November 2020
Making a boat a home.
Making a boat a home.
For the last 6 years my family have lived on a narrow boat. most of people ask “How can you live in a boat with children?” “What about the space?”
When the truth of the matter is, most narrow boats are about the size of a one or two bedroom apartment. One of the main things that people struggle with no matter where they live is space, and buying things that they relly need and not always what the want.
When we live in a world where we are somewhat encouraged to be materialist, we forget that 9 times out of ten we buy things that we do not really need.
When it comes to raising a family on a boat we find that we end up buy more things that we do not really need and a 100 things that we do.
When raising children you have to cove all eventualities and also make room for the changes that seam to take place over night when our children grow.
Yet the main things that children need are food, warmth and shelter.
When raising my children I found that the market for children items still is very limed to the travelling community and is amid at people who live in a standard tersest house and not even a modern apartment or new home.
Most furniture to day is also cheaply made and flat packed to help with “space saving/practicality.” Yet if you live on a boat the last thing that you want is something that is made from MDF, yet the items need to be robust and light weight where ever possible.
One of the things that I am looking into to designing and making product for boating families and would like to know about the types of things that you are looking for and struggling to purchase.
I know that the following are an issue.
Sleeping arrangements, (beds and bedding)
Storage, (for every day baby items)
Pushchair, car seat, baby slings and storing them.
Safety gates
Baby alarms
Then all of the other ways to help Child prof a boat.
I would like to know of any other times are an issue and of any product that you would be looking at buying and are unable to find.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Wednesday 11th November 2020 Poppy seeds
Wednesday 11th November 2020 Poppy seeds
Today is the day when we take the time to remember those we have lost. So please remember to take the time to do so.
This year because of Covid19 we are not able to collect for the Poppy Appeal like we have in the past, one of the place that we use to collect was at the Coventry train station, we hope to be able to do this again in 2021.
One thing that we do every year is plant poppies and collect the seeds, if anyone would like a packet of seeds with their order then please let us know.
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Feeding the future 2020
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Monday, 20 April 2020
Monday, 6 April 2020
Saturday, 28 March 2020
“Jack Sprat” Lyrics
His wife could eat no lean.
And so between them both, you see,
They licked the platter clean
Jack ate all the lean,
Joan ate all the fat.
The bone they picked it clean,
Then gave it to the cat
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Monday, 23 March 2020
Friday, 20 March 2020
100 Movies Dance Scenes Mashup (Mark Ronson-Uptown Funk ft.Bruno Mars)-WTM
March 2020
soothes a savage beast”
Soothes the Savage Beast Meaning. Definition: Music
can calm one who is being aggressive.
Two variations of this phrase are music calms the savage beast and
music tames the savage beast.
of the main thing that is going to effect peoples health in the
future is not lack of food of the body, it will be lack of food for
the mind, body and spirit.
one thing that I would recommend that people do is to start the
morning with music. Something uplifting to start the day with and
then some thing smoothing at night.
will not just make you feel better but the people that you live with
why not try now?
run ogg you TV, Turn off your phone, and just put on some music like
your favourite song.
may even make you want you get up and start dancing, which will help
keep you body healthy too.
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Time Management, Home Schooling, Working from Home