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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Sorry of the spelling and gamma I have got dyslexia. (spell checker not much good when you can not spell.)

Living a Nordic life style is something that I love and enjoy.  I believe that by living on a Narrowboat full-time I have learned so much that I never would have learnt if I still lived in a domestic  dwelling.
I have lent to become more selfcerficante, more organized, more energy effecainte, more fruglie and more grateful of the things that people take for granted.
Some of these thing, when you become a nomad then become things that you still need in order to live a safe and happy life in today society.

The 3  key things being 

Then of course you need
Good sanitation/water point
Access to health care facilities
Access to education
Access to transport
Access to recreation
Access to employment or financial support.

All of these thing are import to help maintain a health, mind, body and spirit.

Throughout my life I have always lived in poverty and now so do my children.  My children who were born into a Nomadic way of life.

I have always lived hand to mouth.
I have always worked zero hours
I have always had more than one zero hour job
I have always been "in the benifit trap" Having to claim one benefit or nothing at all.
I have never earned more than £5,000 per year to live on.

I have to use food banks and the Church to provide me and my children with a hot meal.

Although I live a nomadic life style it was one that was forced upon me due to the lack or aducuate and affordable housing that is assailable with in Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council for single people.
Over the past 3 years i have tried to get back onto the housing list by using Home Hunt and apply for accommodation though Housing Associations and Privately renting.  This is something that i can not afford at this moment in time.

By living full-time on a Narrow boat i am rent free and mortgage free.  my cost have living have halved although I do spend £200.00 per month on storage and paying for a PO BOX Address.
This is due to there not bing any Mariners with in the Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council when I could have a permenate Home Mooring.
A Permanent Home Mooring With
A Permanent mooring point.
Water point
electric hook up
Sanitation and washing point
PO BOX Address
Car Parking/near local bus route

Despite The Canal and River Trust trying to force people to live in a Mariner, these things have not be provide.  They claim that they are not a Housing Association and do not want to be used like one.

Yet more people are turning to the water ways for affordable housing.

This means that key things need to be addressed not just by The Canal and River Trust But by each Local authority.  This includes Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council too.
Nuneaton is my home town and George Eliot Hospital is were myself and my two sons were born.  Yet due to Living on a Narrowboat full-time.

We are discriminated against, due to not having an address in Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough.

This is despite Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council having everything that the boating community could need in order to stay safe and well near the canal.  Without there being the option to moor for more than two weeks these facilities are difficult to access.

 Although boaters can moor for more than 14days unless you have a bonafiide reason for doing so.  This is subjected to The Canal and River Trust rules and regulations.
I strongly believe that Nuneaton is a imperative location for the boating traveling community and that some temporary moorings that are owned by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council are required.  this would enable boaters to moor for more than 14 days and use a temporary home mooring with the a PO Box Address.

By doing this it would enable the boating community to access medical facilities at George Eliot Hospital which is accessible with out needing the use of public transport or own veacail access if moored near bridge 20.  It would also enable boaters to use the walk in center and register with the GP Lead Surgery in Camphill, that is open 365 days 8.00-20.00 where I am registered and my children.

The biggest issue of living in a narrowboat is having a GP surgery, due to not having a fixed abode.  Many people will use a friends or families address wherever possible or just use A&E.

In some cases this is not always the cases, and when your are a mother you must have a regesered GP for you and your children, I have not be able to rgested myself your my children any where other than Camphill GP Lead Surgery with in the whole or Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Stafordshire.  I always have to return to Nuneaton for medical appointments.

This is why I know that having council run mooring would be beificail not just to the boating community but to the council too.

Like with any mooring a contract would have to be signed by both parties clearly stating how long the stay would be for eg, 6 months whilst having chemo therapy.  During this time the boat owner would pay council tax and mooring fees that are an agreed set price.

In return the boater would receive a PO BOX address which could be delivered to the council house or a sucre post box could be set up near bridge 20.

There would be a regusee point for water, recycling bins, and alsain.  It would also be great is an electric hook up could be provided, toilet block and showers.  These could then be used by any boater that could moor to use the services only and pay to use them by putting money into a machine to open the door to again access. (like at train stations.)

By offering these services it would help to maintain the canal in Nuneaton and Bedworth, cut down crime and anti social behavior and bring money onto the town.  More boater would be happy to visit Nuneaton and Bedworth instead or just passing though.  Especially during the summer month when all of the holiday boaters take to the water ways.

The new J Sainsbury's on bridge 21 and local shop are used regularly by the boating community all year.  Spring Wood Avon and Boot Wharf are used also for Water and fuel and ailsan point.  But they are not open every day, they are not always accessible due to over crowding on the key side, do not sell every thing a boater needs (baby milk), they are not safe to moor at when you have small children.

This is why providing adiqate and much needed services as a local authority is esentail and is something that will help the town to grow and bring back tourism to the heart of the community again.

Plus helping people who are in desperate need of leading a happy and safe life.;

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