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Wednesday 1 January 2020

Make Do and Mend 2020

Make Do and Mend in 2020.

Now that we are in 2020 I think that it is time to STOP and THINK and learn to “Make do and Mend.”

For years even in my own childhood we seam to have become a culture and society of

Use once and throw away.”
If it breaks buy a new one.”
It is cheep to buy a new one than to fix the old.”
I have not got time.”

These are thing that I have heard my children say time and time again and they have not even reached their teens. Already my children are being influenced by the media and how easy it seams to replay things, things that can not be replayed so easy are the things that we need.

When we think about the things that we need we think of things like.

Not always in that order.

We do not seam to think about things like.

Global Warming
The Ozone Layer
Fossil Fuels
Animal/Plant Welfare
Human Rights
Health and Well-being
The Economy

Which are also important things to think about too.

Now that we have reached 2020. it seams that we are now come full circle when we start thinking about our lifestyle and how we live our lives and teat the world that we live in.

A lot of this is to do with the media and how the media influences us on a daily bases.

Yet the one thing that I think people tend to for get is the number 1.

When I say the number 1 I mean you, you and who you choose to live your life and how your life lives you.

Every one hows the saying do you “live to work?” to “Work to live?”

This is only something that you know and about how you chose or try to live your life.

It is easy to think about other things in life when your own personal life is how you chose to live it. Whoever went it comes to living some times it feels like that is all that you are trying to do.


So what can you do?

I always think about Alice in Wonderland when she says. “I always try to achieve 6 impossible things before breakfast.”

By Lewis Carroll.

Now the things that Alice try to achieve are strange and rally make no sense at already like “Why is a Raven like a writing desk?”

Now if you look at the 6 impossible things more closely could you apply any of them to your every day life?

1. There's a potion that can make you shrink.
2. And
a cake that can make you grow.
3. Animals can talk.
Cats can disappear.
5. There is a place called
6. I can slay
the Jabberwocky.

Now I would not want any one to think or 6 impossible things that that could do before breakfast but 1. 1 thing that you may be able to do every day.

Now everyone makes New Years Resolutions, BUT who sticks to the?

Some of use also focus on Lent and chose those 40 days and 40 nights to try and make a difference to our lives or give up something.

At lost of people seam to go though what I would like to call FADS or are they really “Life Style Changes.” Do they really make a difference to our own personal lives or other peoples?

One thing that a lot of people have been fortuning on is the “War in plastic” in 2019, by not using single use plastic items.

Will you continue to do this in 2020 and what else will you try?

The other thing is that people have become more paperless and are more dependent on receiving things using IT which means more online date is required and internet speed with 5G planed for 2020 in most places.

Question are we not just trying to reinvent the wheel and in time will we go back to pen and ink when the world can no only support IT or provided us with what we need to life our ever increasing “Buy now worry later.” Life styles?

When we buy any new technology what effect dose a new mobile phone, Laptop or IPAD…. Have no our health and the world health?

One major worry is the worry to our health with regards to poor eyesight due to blue screens and causing cancer and other long life health problems?

So what is this currently add to my blog all about?

What do I mean buy “Make do and mend.”

What I mean is that maybe it is time to STOP and think! Before we go out and start buying the latest FAD until really need something. Also that it might be time to learn a new skill or should I say an old one.

With so many skills being lost include the ability to read and write due to IT and the ability to buy almost any thing. Then maybe it is time to learn something new that could help you in the future and become independent.

I am not talking about things like learning a new language, which is a possibly I am talking about the basics like.

Life skill.
Learning to budget
Basic reading and writing.
Basic Cooking Skills
Learning to sew
Learning to Knit or Croquet
The art of conversation and basic manors

I feel that at time that some of the basic things in makes use human are lost like being able to communicate with each other without technology to do so even with our own children.

Now that it is 2020 a lot of educational establishments will be sending out information about up and come course that they will be running some of these may be free to attend so it might be worth looking at what is on offer and possible attending if you have the spare time to do so.

Another way is to use the public library and read and book to learn something new.

You could also obtain sometime online and possible use how to advice or you tube to help you and learning too.

Make Do and Mend” in 2020.

Apart from my blogs I also have a few Facebook pages and groups that I manage that I try to post to with local training and information.

I have include the links below that may interest you.

So why not today think of one Possible thing that you could do in 2020 to “Make Do and Mend” in you life of 2020.

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