This is about living on the waterways from birth. Though the eyes of Callan Baxter. Of the Painted Lady Narrowboat. Supported By Mr Alan S Baxter and Miss Katrina L Slomczynski (mum and dad.)
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Thursday, 31 December 2015
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Investing in your child's future.
The Beginning...
When one first becomes a parent, do you really think about the cost(s)? Or is it just the opportunities that becoming a parent has to offer?
Into days society there are so many ways to become a parent, and the cost implications always seam to be the last thing on most peoples minds;this appears to happens when all you can think about is parenthood.
The chance to do what I believe is the most amazing thing in the world, but the most hardest.
Creating a new life.
For me...
I did not think about the cost of becoming a parent until after my first son was born.
Despite the extra costs that I had already had to take into account when I found out that I was pregnant.
It was strange at first that even buying I pregnancy test kit can cost any where from 99p-£15.00 just to give you the same answer Yes or No.
Then the medical appointments set in, the rearranging of shifts at work, the extra travel, clothes bill and health care supplements. All of this 9 months before your due date.
The list of things that you believe that you are going to need and the wasted time and money on the things that you finally purchase that you will never need or use.
But, who can resist buying baby clothes or children's toys, when you know that you should have brought that extra jar of coffee or toilet roll?
So when that big day finally arrives the last thing that you are thinking about is the future, it is all about the now, making every moment count and trying to cram in as much sleep has you can.
But soon reality creeps up with you and before you know it, children are playing the "I want game", use phrase like "if you love me, you will buy it for me", "Well everyone at school has one." Then before you know it £ signs are flashing before your eyes, bills are flying in and you are living in your overdraft or using loan companies to pay for that car, that prom dress, the electric bill so that the internet can stay on and the children can Skype each other instead of meeting down the park with a football.
So when and how should one or dose one plan and invest in their children's future?
For me it was know picnic...
My plan in life ( the one that get you to do in high school, "where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years and so on.) Well my plan when I was 15 years old was.
I thought of nothing different to most people that I know and went to school with. My aim was to not just have a job BUT have a career and become successful. Now in my early thirties, I am in the "same boat" like most of my friends and family are today. I have children to care and provided for, it is very happiness and health I put before my own.
Education and Training...
At school I was never really taught any life skills to prepare me for the pit falls of every day living and the issues that I may have to face. It was all about "you can achieve any thing if you work hard enough", "reach for the stars", "the world is your Oyster". Again these are probably the things that I will end up telling my own children one day.
But then reality sets in and people are say the opposite, "did you not try hard enough?", "lower your expectations" and "are you serious?"
Where am I now?
In my early thirties with two children under the age of two. I have no fixed abode, jobless, penniless and have over ten years of "life skills" a back of me and nothing but a state educating under my belt. I found that being a parent was going to change my life for ever and the one thing that I need to do was plan for my children's future and teach them how to take care of themselves.
I believe that a strong foundation in life is what children need and some financial support unable them to make a "smooth transition" into adulthood. When they can no longer use "The Bank of Mum and Dad".
But more importantly I believe that being able to mange your own money, budget, plan for the future and have the ability to take life as it comes. (anything can happen in a blink of any eye.)
But again how does one plan to do this in today's society?
In today's society there is no longer such a things like,
Today you are lucky if you are not pushing forty and still not living at home, or are you? In the papers they highlighted that you may not even get a mortgage if you are over forty and want to know about how you spend every penny you earn.
This is one of the main things that I love about other culture "Family", and how nothing is more important to them than Family.
This is something that I believe is lost, and forgotten in the UK unless you are bought up to be taught that family and community count.
Yet due to the cost of living, most people in the UK are looking at living under the same roof. With some homes now having three generations. But for many is this out of choice or need?
(Read my next blog to find out) Next blog "Who Lives Under Your Roof? How To Still Have Space Just For You."
Investing in your child's future Continued...
So when we currently live in a time when people, are born into poverty, are forced to rent accommodation at about £600.00 per month, pay bills on top ( average £1,000 per month renting), work zero hour job and still be paid national minim wage every penny counts.
Although the Government have put some financial support in places, offering some benefits to new parents, claiming these benefits is not always easy, usually they must be claimed within curtain time frame or parents are unable to claim at all due to personal circumstances.
Filling in forms as never been my strong point and most of them must be filled in on line. So having internet access is a must into days society.
Some useful websites that I have used in the past, are listed below. I have also set up a few Facebook pages that may help and blogs. (I am, always updating information and changing things.)
What I have found
By talking to other parents about what it is like to be a parent, I have found out one thing. "I am not alone", and some times just over a cup of tea you can help each out and half any problem that you currently might be facing.
I would like to say that being a partner a second time round that I have it cracked. But that is not so, things change with in a blink of an eye. So it is important to try and stay focused and to not take your eye off the ball.
One thing I do...
I try to take an hour once a month or every six months to go though my finances and all of my personal information with partner. I believe that is a must and talking about the three D's even more so.
The Three D's
I know what it like to lose a loved one at a young age. To become too dependent upon one person, to take on the responsibility of every day life. It becomes a huge shock to the system when you find out that you can not even pay the bills because you do not even know what elicit company you are with.
Also probate is a nightmare. I would advise everyone to have at lest one bank account in their own name, with some money in it. This is something that we did for both of our children and passports due to family living outside of the UK.
I have chosen to use the HALIFAX Bank, to put some money aside for my children's future. This is due to the bank currently offering the highest interest of 6% on certain children's bank accounts. (I opened in August 2015.) So the money can be transferred and accessed when ever I may need it. But like any bank percentage rates rise and fall, so again I would advice any one who opens up an account to review it a lest once a year and to read the small print.
For more information about banking I would also recommend that you go into a local branch and speak to the staff their direct. Get a feel for the service that they provide and the benefits that they can offer.
Although I use a different bank to my children, I personal love the bank I use. I have been with them for about five years now. I would have used them for my children, if the financial interest was there to do so.
Banking for adult seam to be the same no matter where you bank, most banks are not offering any interest at all. This is why I would be better off having share in "baked beans". For more information and guidance you could always look on websites like.
There are a number of websites that you can use to help "Compare the Market" when looking for the right type of Banking that suits you.
These can also help with advise on how to save money on bills, pensions, savings, investments and live insurance.
It took us almost two weeks to make an appointment with the Halifax and the consolation was around two hours to open a new account at the HALIFAX Bank.
The account that I spoke to my partner about opening, was an account that would enable use to withdraw all of the money ASAP if needed. Where other accounts may have offered more incentives in the long run it was being able to access the money and NOT be tided into to any long term contracts that me and my partner agreed upon.
Plans for our children's future.
To ensure that what ever money was set a side for the children's future, it could hopefully work for them by gaining interest. I want me children to be able to access their own money when my partner and I felt that they were ready to mange their own investments and savings.
These are again factors that being a parent I have had to to take into account.
(Time is money.)
Parents that I know...
Most parents I have spoken to, enabled their children to learn the importance of working from a young age and making thier own "Pocket" money.
For some children this starts with having a part time paper round when they reach 13 years old or have a part time job after high school. ( Now is 18 years old)
(information is on the following website below.)
Most of the children I have met and know come from families that are self employed, like my own children. So they have used more creative ways to increase their pocket money.
E.G. Sold their old toys at classic car shows, brought things at auction and used there parents eBay count to sell them.
At school there was one girl who made scarfs and headbands that she sold in the play ground with other children sold cigarettes.
For my children there future will always be in their hands, but it is my job to guide them. It is my job to provided them with skills and training so that one day they can provide and take care of them selves.
Some of ways that I am aiming to do this I have already mentioned. One of the best ways that I learned was though the NHS. It was due to them providing me with some information which is handed out to all new mums "The Bounty Pack" it is very over whelming at first BUT most of the information that it offers really dose come in handy. (If you ever have the time to read it.)
The Bounty Pack...
Although most of the information is on line and you have the option to have an on line account with Bounty where you can get all of the latest information on how to care for your child. It helps you to track their progress and help you to observe their developmental goals. It helps you to look out for things like when our child should be walking and advice on how to ween them.
The Bounty Pack should be given to you by your Midwife at around 16 Weeks, once you register on line and put in your (expected due date), you receive emails about things that are relevant to you each week.
You can also enter online competitions and view vouchers that can give you money off some of the items that you may need for your self and your child.
Other useful web sites to subscribe to are.
Do not worry dad's today they also offer a lot more information for you too, especial information about paternity leave and what to expect about being a dad.
I hope that the information that I have is provided is helpful, thank you for reading and look out for my next blog.
Next blog "Who Lives Under Your Roof? How To Still Have Space Just For You."
When one first becomes a parent, do you really think about the cost(s)? Or is it just the opportunities that becoming a parent has to offer?
Into days society there are so many ways to become a parent, and the cost implications always seam to be the last thing on most peoples minds;this appears to happens when all you can think about is parenthood.
The chance to do what I believe is the most amazing thing in the world, but the most hardest.
Creating a new life.
For me...
I did not think about the cost of becoming a parent until after my first son was born.
Despite the extra costs that I had already had to take into account when I found out that I was pregnant.
It was strange at first that even buying I pregnancy test kit can cost any where from 99p-£15.00 just to give you the same answer Yes or No.
Then the medical appointments set in, the rearranging of shifts at work, the extra travel, clothes bill and health care supplements. All of this 9 months before your due date.
The list of things that you believe that you are going to need and the wasted time and money on the things that you finally purchase that you will never need or use.
But, who can resist buying baby clothes or children's toys, when you know that you should have brought that extra jar of coffee or toilet roll?
So when that big day finally arrives the last thing that you are thinking about is the future, it is all about the now, making every moment count and trying to cram in as much sleep has you can.
But soon reality creeps up with you and before you know it, children are playing the "I want game", use phrase like "if you love me, you will buy it for me", "Well everyone at school has one." Then before you know it £ signs are flashing before your eyes, bills are flying in and you are living in your overdraft or using loan companies to pay for that car, that prom dress, the electric bill so that the internet can stay on and the children can Skype each other instead of meeting down the park with a football.
So when and how should one or dose one plan and invest in their children's future?
For me it was know picnic...
My plan in life ( the one that get you to do in high school, "where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years and so on.) Well my plan when I was 15 years old was.
- School
- collage
- university
- job
- house
- marry
- children
I thought of nothing different to most people that I know and went to school with. My aim was to not just have a job BUT have a career and become successful. Now in my early thirties, I am in the "same boat" like most of my friends and family are today. I have children to care and provided for, it is very happiness and health I put before my own.
Education and Training...
At school I was never really taught any life skills to prepare me for the pit falls of every day living and the issues that I may have to face. It was all about "you can achieve any thing if you work hard enough", "reach for the stars", "the world is your Oyster". Again these are probably the things that I will end up telling my own children one day.
But then reality sets in and people are say the opposite, "did you not try hard enough?", "lower your expectations" and "are you serious?"
Where am I now?
In my early thirties with two children under the age of two. I have no fixed abode, jobless, penniless and have over ten years of "life skills" a back of me and nothing but a state educating under my belt. I found that being a parent was going to change my life for ever and the one thing that I need to do was plan for my children's future and teach them how to take care of themselves.
I believe that a strong foundation in life is what children need and some financial support unable them to make a "smooth transition" into adulthood. When they can no longer use "The Bank of Mum and Dad".
But more importantly I believe that being able to mange your own money, budget, plan for the future and have the ability to take life as it comes. (anything can happen in a blink of any eye.)
But again how does one plan to do this in today's society?
In today's society there is no longer such a things like,
- A job for life
- A full time 9-17.00 job
- 100 year old mortgage
- Affordable Housing
Today you are lucky if you are not pushing forty and still not living at home, or are you? In the papers they highlighted that you may not even get a mortgage if you are over forty and want to know about how you spend every penny you earn.
This is one of the main things that I love about other culture "Family", and how nothing is more important to them than Family.
This is something that I believe is lost, and forgotten in the UK unless you are bought up to be taught that family and community count.
Yet due to the cost of living, most people in the UK are looking at living under the same roof. With some homes now having three generations. But for many is this out of choice or need?
(Read my next blog to find out) Next blog "Who Lives Under Your Roof? How To Still Have Space Just For You."
Investing in your child's future Continued...
So when we currently live in a time when people, are born into poverty, are forced to rent accommodation at about £600.00 per month, pay bills on top ( average £1,000 per month renting), work zero hour job and still be paid national minim wage every penny counts.
Although the Government have put some financial support in places, offering some benefits to new parents, claiming these benefits is not always easy, usually they must be claimed within curtain time frame or parents are unable to claim at all due to personal circumstances.
Filling in forms as never been my strong point and most of them must be filled in on line. So having internet access is a must into days society.
Some useful websites that I have used in the past, are listed below. I have also set up a few Facebook pages that may help and blogs. (I am, always updating information and changing things.)
What I have found
By talking to other parents about what it is like to be a parent, I have found out one thing. "I am not alone", and some times just over a cup of tea you can help each out and half any problem that you currently might be facing.
I would like to say that being a partner a second time round that I have it cracked. But that is not so, things change with in a blink of an eye. So it is important to try and stay focused and to not take your eye off the ball.
One thing I do...
I try to take an hour once a month or every six months to go though my finances and all of my personal information with partner. I believe that is a must and talking about the three D's even more so.
The Three D's
- Divorce/separation
- Death
- Dementia/Health
I know what it like to lose a loved one at a young age. To become too dependent upon one person, to take on the responsibility of every day life. It becomes a huge shock to the system when you find out that you can not even pay the bills because you do not even know what elicit company you are with.
Also probate is a nightmare. I would advise everyone to have at lest one bank account in their own name, with some money in it. This is something that we did for both of our children and passports due to family living outside of the UK.
I have chosen to use the HALIFAX Bank, to put some money aside for my children's future. This is due to the bank currently offering the highest interest of 6% on certain children's bank accounts. (I opened in August 2015.) So the money can be transferred and accessed when ever I may need it. But like any bank percentage rates rise and fall, so again I would advice any one who opens up an account to review it a lest once a year and to read the small print.
For more information about banking I would also recommend that you go into a local branch and speak to the staff their direct. Get a feel for the service that they provide and the benefits that they can offer.
Although I use a different bank to my children, I personal love the bank I use. I have been with them for about five years now. I would have used them for my children, if the financial interest was there to do so.
Banking for adult seam to be the same no matter where you bank, most banks are not offering any interest at all. This is why I would be better off having share in "baked beans". For more information and guidance you could always look on websites like.
There are a number of websites that you can use to help "Compare the Market" when looking for the right type of Banking that suits you.
These can also help with advise on how to save money on bills, pensions, savings, investments and live insurance.
It took us almost two weeks to make an appointment with the Halifax and the consolation was around two hours to open a new account at the HALIFAX Bank.
The account that I spoke to my partner about opening, was an account that would enable use to withdraw all of the money ASAP if needed. Where other accounts may have offered more incentives in the long run it was being able to access the money and NOT be tided into to any long term contracts that me and my partner agreed upon.
Plans for our children's future.
To ensure that what ever money was set a side for the children's future, it could hopefully work for them by gaining interest. I want me children to be able to access their own money when my partner and I felt that they were ready to mange their own investments and savings.
These are again factors that being a parent I have had to to take into account.
(Time is money.)
Parents that I know...
Most parents I have spoken to, enabled their children to learn the importance of working from a young age and making thier own "Pocket" money.
For some children this starts with having a part time paper round when they reach 13 years old or have a part time job after high school. ( Now is 18 years old)
(information is on the following website below.)
Most of the children I have met and know come from families that are self employed, like my own children. So they have used more creative ways to increase their pocket money.
E.G. Sold their old toys at classic car shows, brought things at auction and used there parents eBay count to sell them.
At school there was one girl who made scarfs and headbands that she sold in the play ground with other children sold cigarettes.
For my children there future will always be in their hands, but it is my job to guide them. It is my job to provided them with skills and training so that one day they can provide and take care of them selves.
Some of ways that I am aiming to do this I have already mentioned. One of the best ways that I learned was though the NHS. It was due to them providing me with some information which is handed out to all new mums "The Bounty Pack" it is very over whelming at first BUT most of the information that it offers really dose come in handy. (If you ever have the time to read it.)
The Bounty Pack...
Although most of the information is on line and you have the option to have an on line account with Bounty where you can get all of the latest information on how to care for your child. It helps you to track their progress and help you to observe their developmental goals. It helps you to look out for things like when our child should be walking and advice on how to ween them.
The Bounty Pack should be given to you by your Midwife at around 16 Weeks, once you register on line and put in your (expected due date), you receive emails about things that are relevant to you each week.
You can also enter online competitions and view vouchers that can give you money off some of the items that you may need for your self and your child.
Other useful web sites to subscribe to are.
Do not worry dad's today they also offer a lot more information for you too, especial information about paternity leave and what to expect about being a dad.
I hope that the information that I have is provided is helpful, thank you for reading and look out for my next blog.
Next blog "Who Lives Under Your Roof? How To Still Have Space Just For You."
Hawkesbury Junction Mooring
Hawkesbury Junction
Below I have listed some use full links to web sites about the History and what Hawkesbury Junction has to offer.
The Local Pub
Web site Links Only.
Mooring Information
Sorry of the spelling and gamma I have got dyslexia. (spell checker not much good when you can not spell.)
Living a Nordic life style is something that I love and enjoy. I believe that by living on a Narrowboat full-time I have learned so much that I never would have learnt if I still lived in a domestic dwelling.
I have lent to become more selfcerficante, more organized, more energy effecainte, more fruglie and more grateful of the things that people take for granted.
Some of these thing, when you become a nomad then become things that you still need in order to live a safe and happy life in today society.
The 3 key things being
Then of course you need
Good sanitation/water point
Access to health care facilities
Access to education
Access to transport
Access to recreation
Access to employment or financial support.
All of these thing are import to help maintain a health, mind, body and spirit.
Throughout my life I have always lived in poverty and now so do my children. My children who were born into a Nomadic way of life.
I have always lived hand to mouth.
I have always worked zero hours
I have always had more than one zero hour job
I have always been "in the benifit trap" Having to claim one benefit or nothing at all.
I have never earned more than £5,000 per year to live on.
I have to use food banks and the Church to provide me and my children with a hot meal.
Although I live a nomadic life style it was one that was forced upon me due to the lack or aducuate and affordable housing that is assailable with in Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council for single people.
Over the past 3 years i have tried to get back onto the housing list by using Home Hunt and apply for accommodation though Housing Associations and Privately renting. This is something that i can not afford at this moment in time.
By living full-time on a Narrow boat i am rent free and mortgage free. my cost have living have halved although I do spend £200.00 per month on storage and paying for a PO BOX Address.
This is due to there not bing any Mariners with in the Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council when I could have a permenate Home Mooring.
A Permanent Home Mooring With
A Permanent mooring point.
Water point
electric hook up
Sanitation and washing point
PO BOX Address
Car Parking/near local bus route
Despite The Canal and River Trust trying to force people to live in a Mariner, these things have not be provide. They claim that they are not a Housing Association and do not want to be used like one.
Yet more people are turning to the water ways for affordable housing.
This means that key things need to be addressed not just by The Canal and River Trust But by each Local authority. This includes Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council too.
Nuneaton is my home town and George Eliot Hospital is were myself and my two sons were born. Yet due to Living on a Narrowboat full-time.
We are discriminated against, due to not having an address in Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough.
This is despite Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council having everything that the boating community could need in order to stay safe and well near the canal. Without there being the option to moor for more than two weeks these facilities are difficult to access.
Although boaters can moor for more than 14days unless you have a bonafiide reason for doing so. This is subjected to The Canal and River Trust rules and regulations.
I strongly believe that Nuneaton is a imperative location for the boating traveling community and that some temporary moorings that are owned by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council are required. this would enable boaters to moor for more than 14 days and use a temporary home mooring with the a PO Box Address.
By doing this it would enable the boating community to access medical facilities at George Eliot Hospital which is accessible with out needing the use of public transport or own veacail access if moored near bridge 20. It would also enable boaters to use the walk in center and register with the GP Lead Surgery in Camphill, that is open 365 days 8.00-20.00 where I am registered and my children.
The biggest issue of living in a narrowboat is having a GP surgery, due to not having a fixed abode. Many people will use a friends or families address wherever possible or just use A&E.
In some cases this is not always the cases, and when your are a mother you must have a regesered GP for you and your children, I have not be able to rgested myself your my children any where other than Camphill GP Lead Surgery with in the whole or Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Stafordshire. I always have to return to Nuneaton for medical appointments.
This is why I know that having council run mooring would be beificail not just to the boating community but to the council too.
Like with any mooring a contract would have to be signed by both parties clearly stating how long the stay would be for eg, 6 months whilst having chemo therapy. During this time the boat owner would pay council tax and mooring fees that are an agreed set price.
In return the boater would receive a PO BOX address which could be delivered to the council house or a sucre post box could be set up near bridge 20.
There would be a regusee point for water, recycling bins, and alsain. It would also be great is an electric hook up could be provided, toilet block and showers. These could then be used by any boater that could moor to use the services only and pay to use them by putting money into a machine to open the door to again access. (like at train stations.)
By offering these services it would help to maintain the canal in Nuneaton and Bedworth, cut down crime and anti social behavior and bring money onto the town. More boater would be happy to visit Nuneaton and Bedworth instead or just passing though. Especially during the summer month when all of the holiday boaters take to the water ways.
The new J Sainsbury's on bridge 21 and local shop are used regularly by the boating community all year. Spring Wood Avon and Boot Wharf are used also for Water and fuel and ailsan point. But they are not open every day, they are not always accessible due to over crowding on the key side, do not sell every thing a boater needs (baby milk), they are not safe to moor at when you have small children.
This is why providing adiqate and much needed services as a local authority is esentail and is something that will help the town to grow and bring back tourism to the heart of the community again.
Plus helping people who are in desperate need of leading a happy and safe life.;
Living a Nordic life style is something that I love and enjoy. I believe that by living on a Narrowboat full-time I have learned so much that I never would have learnt if I still lived in a domestic dwelling.
I have lent to become more selfcerficante, more organized, more energy effecainte, more fruglie and more grateful of the things that people take for granted.
Some of these thing, when you become a nomad then become things that you still need in order to live a safe and happy life in today society.
The 3 key things being
Then of course you need
Good sanitation/water point
Access to health care facilities
Access to education
Access to transport
Access to recreation
Access to employment or financial support.
All of these thing are import to help maintain a health, mind, body and spirit.
Throughout my life I have always lived in poverty and now so do my children. My children who were born into a Nomadic way of life.
I have always lived hand to mouth.
I have always worked zero hours
I have always had more than one zero hour job
I have always been "in the benifit trap" Having to claim one benefit or nothing at all.
I have never earned more than £5,000 per year to live on.
I have to use food banks and the Church to provide me and my children with a hot meal.
Although I live a nomadic life style it was one that was forced upon me due to the lack or aducuate and affordable housing that is assailable with in Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council for single people.
Over the past 3 years i have tried to get back onto the housing list by using Home Hunt and apply for accommodation though Housing Associations and Privately renting. This is something that i can not afford at this moment in time.
By living full-time on a Narrow boat i am rent free and mortgage free. my cost have living have halved although I do spend £200.00 per month on storage and paying for a PO BOX Address.
This is due to there not bing any Mariners with in the Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council when I could have a permenate Home Mooring.
A Permanent Home Mooring With
A Permanent mooring point.
Water point
electric hook up
Sanitation and washing point
PO BOX Address
Car Parking/near local bus route
Despite The Canal and River Trust trying to force people to live in a Mariner, these things have not be provide. They claim that they are not a Housing Association and do not want to be used like one.
Yet more people are turning to the water ways for affordable housing.
This means that key things need to be addressed not just by The Canal and River Trust But by each Local authority. This includes Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council too.
Nuneaton is my home town and George Eliot Hospital is were myself and my two sons were born. Yet due to Living on a Narrowboat full-time.
We are discriminated against, due to not having an address in Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough.
This is despite Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council having everything that the boating community could need in order to stay safe and well near the canal. Without there being the option to moor for more than two weeks these facilities are difficult to access.
Although boaters can moor for more than 14days unless you have a bonafiide reason for doing so. This is subjected to The Canal and River Trust rules and regulations.
I strongly believe that Nuneaton is a imperative location for the boating traveling community and that some temporary moorings that are owned by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council are required. this would enable boaters to moor for more than 14 days and use a temporary home mooring with the a PO Box Address.
By doing this it would enable the boating community to access medical facilities at George Eliot Hospital which is accessible with out needing the use of public transport or own veacail access if moored near bridge 20. It would also enable boaters to use the walk in center and register with the GP Lead Surgery in Camphill, that is open 365 days 8.00-20.00 where I am registered and my children.
The biggest issue of living in a narrowboat is having a GP surgery, due to not having a fixed abode. Many people will use a friends or families address wherever possible or just use A&E.
In some cases this is not always the cases, and when your are a mother you must have a regesered GP for you and your children, I have not be able to rgested myself your my children any where other than Camphill GP Lead Surgery with in the whole or Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Stafordshire. I always have to return to Nuneaton for medical appointments.
This is why I know that having council run mooring would be beificail not just to the boating community but to the council too.
Like with any mooring a contract would have to be signed by both parties clearly stating how long the stay would be for eg, 6 months whilst having chemo therapy. During this time the boat owner would pay council tax and mooring fees that are an agreed set price.
In return the boater would receive a PO BOX address which could be delivered to the council house or a sucre post box could be set up near bridge 20.
There would be a regusee point for water, recycling bins, and alsain. It would also be great is an electric hook up could be provided, toilet block and showers. These could then be used by any boater that could moor to use the services only and pay to use them by putting money into a machine to open the door to again access. (like at train stations.)
By offering these services it would help to maintain the canal in Nuneaton and Bedworth, cut down crime and anti social behavior and bring money onto the town. More boater would be happy to visit Nuneaton and Bedworth instead or just passing though. Especially during the summer month when all of the holiday boaters take to the water ways.
The new J Sainsbury's on bridge 21 and local shop are used regularly by the boating community all year. Spring Wood Avon and Boot Wharf are used also for Water and fuel and ailsan point. But they are not open every day, they are not always accessible due to over crowding on the key side, do not sell every thing a boater needs (baby milk), they are not safe to moor at when you have small children.
This is why providing adiqate and much needed services as a local authority is esentail and is something that will help the town to grow and bring back tourism to the heart of the community again.
Plus helping people who are in desperate need of leading a happy and safe life.;
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Christmas 2015
With Christmas just around the corner, it is hard to believe that another year is almost over. The question that I have been asking myself is "What have I done?" What one thing have I achieved that I set out to do? Today I posted I have "tried to make a difference." No matter what, this is something that I try to do and will continue to do.
Now that we have two children living on the boat, space is an issue, so I am aiming to make quite a few changes in the new year.
One being that Callan may to to nursery in the New Year (so watch this space).
With regards to letting go, of thing that we no longer feel that we need on the boat, the maching machine and fridge have gone! We are looking at selling the bath next and any other unnessary items.
So please what ours sales page(s) for further information.
Now that we have two children living on the boat, space is an issue, so I am aiming to make quite a few changes in the new year.
One being that Callan may to to nursery in the New Year (so watch this space).
With regards to letting go, of thing that we no longer feel that we need on the boat, the maching machine and fridge have gone! We are looking at selling the bath next and any other unnessary items.
So please what ours sales page(s) for further information.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Making the most of things
Hand Made.
Over the last year we have been making the most of things. It is now apparent that we will be living on the boat until the children are at lest "School Ready" so we have took to the towpath and the wilds by storm. We have been making candle holders and syrups that we are looking at selling more of in the futre.
We have already had a buyer for some of our candle holders that we have made. They were based in London. So we are looking at making more. If only we had more space then we would look at making jewelry holders too. This was something that we were asked to make about two years ago now.
But anyone who lives on a boat can tell you space is every thing, and with two children on board we can not have the equipment on board that we would really need to under take this challenge. So at the moment we are only making candle holders but watch this space.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Raising a child in a foreign country?
Although I have never brought up a child in a foreign country, living on the water ways in a boat with my two children feels like just that. To move away from a "normal" way of life and start a family was the biggest decision I have ever had to make in my life.
Now that my oldest son Callan is 20 months old the biggest thing that has been going though my mind is how to get him "school ready". Like most children who are born on the water we have no fixed abode with a postcode and therefore no attachment area to fit into when it comes to mainstream schooling.
A lot of boat families chose to home school their children due to this. Others are simply not happy with the Educational Authority's way of teaching.
Being a full-time mum, I would be more than happy to home school my children, however, by doing so would I not be completely cutting them off from society and making them "foreigners" in there home Country?
Or would I be offering them life changing opportunities that they would not receive if they were integrated into a main stream school and taught the basic National Curriculum.
Knowing how important Education, Training, Communication and Interpersonal relationship skills are. I have enrolled on a 10 week course at a local children's center in my home town Nuneaton. The course is based around helping adults improve their Learning and Communication Skills such that they can teach their own children to read and write at home.
On the course, I am one of the only parents whose first language is English.
Like most of my friends and family, a lot of people within the EU and other countries have chosen to live in the UK so that their children can be offered a "FREE" education up until the age of 18 years old.
When I asked some of them why they wanted to bring up their child in the UK their response was "so that they can receive a good education and better employment opportunity", however at the same time none of them wanted their children to lose their heritage or cultural background. Many of the mothers that I spoke to mentioned that at home they speak their native tongue to their children and teach them native traditions. Some of the mothers mentioned that they could speak up to two different languages, whereas others like myself, being a 3rd generation Polish immigrant, confessed that they knew very little about the teachings of their "fore fathers" before them.
This, personally, is something that upsets me. A question I feel that one must ask is "How does one integrate and learn to adapt to life in a foreign Country, but yet maintain their own little part of what previous generations could offer them?"
Living in the UK, I have noticed how many British Traditions have now been lost due to the UK becoming a mulch-cultural and bilingual society. This is why I love the thought of home schooling my children and teaching them some British Traditions that are becoming lost. E.g how to recognize plants along the towpath that are safe to eat, how to weave a basket.
But how practical are these skills in today's society?
Although many traditional skills are slowly making a come back, they are mainly done by women as a hobby as opposed to making a living and making money . Eg knitting, crocheting and cooking.
Many local groups can be found in my home town, that are now encouraging the younger generations to learn skills like knitting, that would have originally been taught in a home environment and passed on from mother to daughter.
Today it is having a strong foundation in education that is helping to shape the future generations. To help them find employment that will hopefully enable them to support themselves and one day there own families.
Yet with out having strong communication skills and being able to speak the language of the country that you chose as your home, it makes education and employment opportunities virtually impossible.
This is something that I personally discovered when I took a gap year to work in the South of France when I was 18 years old. That just having a basic understanding of High School French was not enough to get me by, when working with people that did not speak a word of English.
What the course which I am currently on has taught us is that children have the amazing ability to adapt and pick up new languages from a very young age compared to adults. Bearing this in mind in some ways, bringing up a child in a foreign country should not effect any current children that you may have if you were to emigrate with children, instead of waiting to have children once you do so.
This is now something a lot of people are choosing to do, with many schools still having to educate children from a young age who's first language is not English. Yet can be easily picked up from a young age if encouraged to speak English not just in the class room but at home too.
Living in America
Having the 'once in a life' changing opportunity to move to the USA, 15 years ago, my partners brother and his wife did so before starting a family of their own. Not knowing what the future held of them they bided their time before having two sons who are now in their teens. both of whom will hopefully pass their SATS and look at attending college, as opposed to GCSE's that we study in the UK.
Uncertanties of employment, which was sponsored by his employer, often left them guessing how long they would be in the USA. If the work visa lapsed they would literally have been on the next flight home to England.
Knowing that at any time, until a Green Card was issued that they may have to return to the UK. This made the decision to have a family before a Green card was issued not only a risky one but also an expensive one. Due to the cost of moving back to the UK being expensive and knowing that if they ever had to do so, it would mean losing a better way of life.
Not just for themselves but for any children that they have in the future. This is due to the great opportunities that living in the USA has to offer.
E.G. The opportunity to own a bigger house, with land that could enable you to become more self sufficient, with more of a community feel to the area. This would enable your children to gain key skills in communication, interpersonal relationships and integrate within society.
Compared to the same prices as a semi-detached house in the UK you could have a 5 bedroom house, with 5 acres of land and a barn in the USA. (depending on location and current property market).
But that does not mean that everyone in the USA is fit, well, healthy, on 30K salaries per year and living in the house of their dreams. Just like any country in the world there are key underlying issues that one must take into acount when when looking at raising a child in any country.
In the USA they have to worry about things like gun crime, compared to knife attacks in the UK. They are able to drive from a much younger age than children in the UK, but the drinking age is 21.
Almost every home in the USA has at least one gun if not more in their home.
With Alan's brother he is part of a gun club, shoots in competitions and has taught his two sons from a young age about guns and to have respect and understanding when handling them. (This is a personal choice) They also go to scouts and camp where they learn key skills that will help them to become more independent and self sufficient in the future.
This is something that I want for my two sons, the ablilty to be able to take care of themselves. In the USA they have 12 weeks off in the Summer that enables them to go to camp(s), if their parents can afford it unlike the 6 weeks we get in the UK. The other things that are very diffrent in the USA compaired to the UK is the educational and health care that you can receive.
Like any where in the world "You get what you pay for/can afford" or "What ever the Government can provide/offer you."
When health and wellbeing are so important, I am glad that I live in a country where support is given to the sick, at almost no cost to the indivdual. But due to this charitable notion massive strains are being put on the NHS. Now quality and the level of care that can be provided within the UK is being affected and different depending on where in the UK you live.
E.G You can sometimes get different Cancer treatments in Scotland compared to England due to Scotland being able to pick their own way of providing medical treatment to the public.
The waiting times for accesssing services such as mental health is almost up to three months to receive any support or guidance. Most of the services that are provided are ran by charities like MIND, who again will only offer support to people that live in a certain catchment area only due to the funding that they receive from the Governerment or other avenues like the National Lottery Funding.
In the USA if you can afford to pay you can be seen by a doctor or therapest ASAP. All medical bills must be paid including bringing a child into the world, before they are even able to raise them. That is one of the benefits of living in the UK that I am glad of. Due to still having the NHS, no matter how Privatised parts of it have become. If I had, any complications during my pregnancies, E.G like needing a caesarian I would have had to have paid for it. At present, the cost of a Caesarian would cost around £5,000 which in the States you would be expected to cover all of that cost yourself.
This is why when Alan's Brother moved to the USA, he was relieved that the company that he worked for offered, a health benefit package, that covered things like dental costs and braces for the children. Most companies/employers in the USA will offer certain medical cover and insurances with your wages, but things like JSA, and family support are limited and vary, depending on what state you live in.
This is why some of my friends and family from Poland have chosen to live in the UK and raise a family. In order to receive better health benefits for their children and enable them to be educated in a SEN School. (Specai Educational Needs) I have learned recentley that in Poland that children tend to start school when they are around 7 years old as opposed to 5 years old in the UK.
Personally I do not have a problem with this, or feel that it many hinder their ablity to learn, since most education is normally done in the home and not necessarily in the classroom when you look at the amount of holidays that children at schools age take anually and home work that they are expected to do.
With regards to children that require SEN support, in Poland it is something that is limited, with some disabilities not recognised like Autism. My friend's son will soon be in his teens tried to explain to me that by living in the UK despite the level of racism that she receives on her door step it is her sons well being that she works to provide for. With charities and SEN schooling in the UK, the amount of doors that have been opened to her son to imporove his development goals are more than what he would have received if they lived in Poland.
Hopefully enabling him in time, to choose further education, with additional support in the classroom provided or to gain employment in the future. This is something that the UK have been pushing for a number of years now, to get people into work where ever possible despite any disabilities they may have.
Bringing up children has become a lot more easier to do now that the UK is part of the EU. The ablity to to find employment in low paid zero hours is currently on the rise, paying more in pounds than in Euros. The ability to own a home in Poland is cheaper than in the UK, so some of my firends have chosen to rent a room in a shared house and ship the money back to Poland to help pay for their mortgage whilst claiming benefits though the Inland Revenue due to the current laws that we have in the UK that allow them to do this.
This is another reason why I have looked at moving overseas when my children are "school ready", or possibly buying a house abroad due to the cost of owning a home in the UK currently impossible, it woud be a strong nest egg for the future if the ability to become a home owner could become a reality. For once you own your own home the cost of living becomes cheaper and less stressful.
Living on the boat means that we are technically "homeowners", you can not get a boat mortgage, so most people buy outright unless they choose to boat share. We have chosen this way of life in the hope that one day we will own our own home and that our children will learn something by doing this.
As a parent I would love my children to achive greatness and to not work in a low paid and under privileged job, but to aspire to do more with their lives. So having a strong education will help to achieve this.
But with the constant changes in the educational system and technology replacing things like books (kindle), I phones replacing the ability to write and text messaging changing the English language ( u cumin out 2 nite?) I worry about what the future may have install for my children.
So would where they are brought up really effect their way of life?
I guess only time will tell, After all the future is in their hands.
Now that my oldest son Callan is 20 months old the biggest thing that has been going though my mind is how to get him "school ready". Like most children who are born on the water we have no fixed abode with a postcode and therefore no attachment area to fit into when it comes to mainstream schooling.
A lot of boat families chose to home school their children due to this. Others are simply not happy with the Educational Authority's way of teaching.
Being a full-time mum, I would be more than happy to home school my children, however, by doing so would I not be completely cutting them off from society and making them "foreigners" in there home Country?
Or would I be offering them life changing opportunities that they would not receive if they were integrated into a main stream school and taught the basic National Curriculum.
Knowing how important Education, Training, Communication and Interpersonal relationship skills are. I have enrolled on a 10 week course at a local children's center in my home town Nuneaton. The course is based around helping adults improve their Learning and Communication Skills such that they can teach their own children to read and write at home.
On the course, I am one of the only parents whose first language is English.
Like most of my friends and family, a lot of people within the EU and other countries have chosen to live in the UK so that their children can be offered a "FREE" education up until the age of 18 years old.
When I asked some of them why they wanted to bring up their child in the UK their response was "so that they can receive a good education and better employment opportunity", however at the same time none of them wanted their children to lose their heritage or cultural background. Many of the mothers that I spoke to mentioned that at home they speak their native tongue to their children and teach them native traditions. Some of the mothers mentioned that they could speak up to two different languages, whereas others like myself, being a 3rd generation Polish immigrant, confessed that they knew very little about the teachings of their "fore fathers" before them.
This, personally, is something that upsets me. A question I feel that one must ask is "How does one integrate and learn to adapt to life in a foreign Country, but yet maintain their own little part of what previous generations could offer them?"
Living in the UK, I have noticed how many British Traditions have now been lost due to the UK becoming a mulch-cultural and bilingual society. This is why I love the thought of home schooling my children and teaching them some British Traditions that are becoming lost. E.g how to recognize plants along the towpath that are safe to eat, how to weave a basket.
But how practical are these skills in today's society?
Although many traditional skills are slowly making a come back, they are mainly done by women as a hobby as opposed to making a living and making money . Eg knitting, crocheting and cooking.
Many local groups can be found in my home town, that are now encouraging the younger generations to learn skills like knitting, that would have originally been taught in a home environment and passed on from mother to daughter.
Today it is having a strong foundation in education that is helping to shape the future generations. To help them find employment that will hopefully enable them to support themselves and one day there own families.
Yet with out having strong communication skills and being able to speak the language of the country that you chose as your home, it makes education and employment opportunities virtually impossible.
This is something that I personally discovered when I took a gap year to work in the South of France when I was 18 years old. That just having a basic understanding of High School French was not enough to get me by, when working with people that did not speak a word of English.
What the course which I am currently on has taught us is that children have the amazing ability to adapt and pick up new languages from a very young age compared to adults. Bearing this in mind in some ways, bringing up a child in a foreign country should not effect any current children that you may have if you were to emigrate with children, instead of waiting to have children once you do so.
This is now something a lot of people are choosing to do, with many schools still having to educate children from a young age who's first language is not English. Yet can be easily picked up from a young age if encouraged to speak English not just in the class room but at home too.
Living in America
Having the 'once in a life' changing opportunity to move to the USA, 15 years ago, my partners brother and his wife did so before starting a family of their own. Not knowing what the future held of them they bided their time before having two sons who are now in their teens. both of whom will hopefully pass their SATS and look at attending college, as opposed to GCSE's that we study in the UK.
Uncertanties of employment, which was sponsored by his employer, often left them guessing how long they would be in the USA. If the work visa lapsed they would literally have been on the next flight home to England.
Knowing that at any time, until a Green Card was issued that they may have to return to the UK. This made the decision to have a family before a Green card was issued not only a risky one but also an expensive one. Due to the cost of moving back to the UK being expensive and knowing that if they ever had to do so, it would mean losing a better way of life.
Not just for themselves but for any children that they have in the future. This is due to the great opportunities that living in the USA has to offer.
E.G. The opportunity to own a bigger house, with land that could enable you to become more self sufficient, with more of a community feel to the area. This would enable your children to gain key skills in communication, interpersonal relationships and integrate within society.
Compared to the same prices as a semi-detached house in the UK you could have a 5 bedroom house, with 5 acres of land and a barn in the USA. (depending on location and current property market).
But that does not mean that everyone in the USA is fit, well, healthy, on 30K salaries per year and living in the house of their dreams. Just like any country in the world there are key underlying issues that one must take into acount when when looking at raising a child in any country.
In the USA they have to worry about things like gun crime, compared to knife attacks in the UK. They are able to drive from a much younger age than children in the UK, but the drinking age is 21.
Almost every home in the USA has at least one gun if not more in their home.
With Alan's brother he is part of a gun club, shoots in competitions and has taught his two sons from a young age about guns and to have respect and understanding when handling them. (This is a personal choice) They also go to scouts and camp where they learn key skills that will help them to become more independent and self sufficient in the future.
This is something that I want for my two sons, the ablilty to be able to take care of themselves. In the USA they have 12 weeks off in the Summer that enables them to go to camp(s), if their parents can afford it unlike the 6 weeks we get in the UK. The other things that are very diffrent in the USA compaired to the UK is the educational and health care that you can receive.
Like any where in the world "You get what you pay for/can afford" or "What ever the Government can provide/offer you."
When health and wellbeing are so important, I am glad that I live in a country where support is given to the sick, at almost no cost to the indivdual. But due to this charitable notion massive strains are being put on the NHS. Now quality and the level of care that can be provided within the UK is being affected and different depending on where in the UK you live.
E.G You can sometimes get different Cancer treatments in Scotland compared to England due to Scotland being able to pick their own way of providing medical treatment to the public.
The waiting times for accesssing services such as mental health is almost up to three months to receive any support or guidance. Most of the services that are provided are ran by charities like MIND, who again will only offer support to people that live in a certain catchment area only due to the funding that they receive from the Governerment or other avenues like the National Lottery Funding.
In the USA if you can afford to pay you can be seen by a doctor or therapest ASAP. All medical bills must be paid including bringing a child into the world, before they are even able to raise them. That is one of the benefits of living in the UK that I am glad of. Due to still having the NHS, no matter how Privatised parts of it have become. If I had, any complications during my pregnancies, E.G like needing a caesarian I would have had to have paid for it. At present, the cost of a Caesarian would cost around £5,000 which in the States you would be expected to cover all of that cost yourself.
This is why when Alan's Brother moved to the USA, he was relieved that the company that he worked for offered, a health benefit package, that covered things like dental costs and braces for the children. Most companies/employers in the USA will offer certain medical cover and insurances with your wages, but things like JSA, and family support are limited and vary, depending on what state you live in.
This is why some of my friends and family from Poland have chosen to live in the UK and raise a family. In order to receive better health benefits for their children and enable them to be educated in a SEN School. (Specai Educational Needs) I have learned recentley that in Poland that children tend to start school when they are around 7 years old as opposed to 5 years old in the UK.
Personally I do not have a problem with this, or feel that it many hinder their ablity to learn, since most education is normally done in the home and not necessarily in the classroom when you look at the amount of holidays that children at schools age take anually and home work that they are expected to do.
With regards to children that require SEN support, in Poland it is something that is limited, with some disabilities not recognised like Autism. My friend's son will soon be in his teens tried to explain to me that by living in the UK despite the level of racism that she receives on her door step it is her sons well being that she works to provide for. With charities and SEN schooling in the UK, the amount of doors that have been opened to her son to imporove his development goals are more than what he would have received if they lived in Poland.
Hopefully enabling him in time, to choose further education, with additional support in the classroom provided or to gain employment in the future. This is something that the UK have been pushing for a number of years now, to get people into work where ever possible despite any disabilities they may have.
Bringing up children has become a lot more easier to do now that the UK is part of the EU. The ablity to to find employment in low paid zero hours is currently on the rise, paying more in pounds than in Euros. The ability to own a home in Poland is cheaper than in the UK, so some of my firends have chosen to rent a room in a shared house and ship the money back to Poland to help pay for their mortgage whilst claiming benefits though the Inland Revenue due to the current laws that we have in the UK that allow them to do this.
This is another reason why I have looked at moving overseas when my children are "school ready", or possibly buying a house abroad due to the cost of owning a home in the UK currently impossible, it woud be a strong nest egg for the future if the ability to become a home owner could become a reality. For once you own your own home the cost of living becomes cheaper and less stressful.
Living on the boat means that we are technically "homeowners", you can not get a boat mortgage, so most people buy outright unless they choose to boat share. We have chosen this way of life in the hope that one day we will own our own home and that our children will learn something by doing this.
As a parent I would love my children to achive greatness and to not work in a low paid and under privileged job, but to aspire to do more with their lives. So having a strong education will help to achieve this.
But with the constant changes in the educational system and technology replacing things like books (kindle), I phones replacing the ability to write and text messaging changing the English language ( u cumin out 2 nite?) I worry about what the future may have install for my children.
So would where they are brought up really effect their way of life?
I guess only time will tell, After all the future is in their hands.
Thursday, 16 April 2015
"999"/"111" "Hello what service do you require?"
I would have to say that one of the most difficult things about living on the cut is accessing emergence services.
Due to living on the water it is not like you are able to receive door to door service form any emergency service that you may require.
This is some thing that I personal had to deal with nice living on the cut and have alway insured that we have moored near a main road if possible or a bridge that is near a road.
When you have children aboard and are pregnant there health must come first.
However people always tend to forget how import it is to keep them selves safe and how mooring next to other boaters, near roads, bridges, pubs and built up areas etc could be the matter between life and death.
Not to mention knowing your surroundings and which hospital you many end up and how you will get home once you are discharged so carrying some money with you, knowing a cash machine, taxi number or having someone pick you up is something that you seriously need to think of.
I know a lot of what I have said is common sense, how ever when you constantly move around and are not tied to one particular area it is surprising how much things can change in such a short space of time especially Publish Services e.g
Local Bus Services
Shops available
Post Offices
Leisure Services
I have found this a lot since traveling in an around Warwickshire that most dissension that are made within Warwickshire are agreed by Warwickshire Country Council. There has even been talks that all decisions for places like Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council many be made and go though Warwick direct.
You may be thinking how dose this effect me? Especially when you live on the cut, but it would effect any one wishing to claim benefit sure as Housing Benefits to help pay for there Boat Licence. It would mean having to travel to Warwick and apply for your licence there.
One of the main things that I personal have breathed a sire of relief of is that the Maternity Unit is currently being refurbished at George Eliot Hospital. This means that I should have no problem having my second child there IF we are in the area when my baby desired to enter this world.
A few years ago George Eliot use to have a children's ward called "Catrina Ward", which as now closed. There still have facilities at A&E for child but for any thing major you must take your children to Coventry University Hospital.
To my knowledge if you were to phone 999 for your child it would be Coventry University Hospital that you would be taken too.
At present you can get between George Eliot Hospital and Coventry University Hospital it is a service that is provided by Travel De Courcey
At present the estimated cost in a taxi from Coventry University Hospital to Nuneaton is about £70.00 one way.
At present the estimated cost in a taxi from Atherstone to George Eliot Hospital Nuneaton is about £40.00 one way.
When my son took ill in November 2014 we were moored at the Anchor Pub it cost me £40.00 in total.
With myself I ended up have to make around 8 calls to 999 and be admitted to A&E at George Eliot Hospital lucky I was only moored in Atherstone of very local to the Hospital so was able to walk home or stay with friends and family that live local to the area.
With regards to doctors surgery I still use a families address for my son and myself and use the GP Lead Health Center in Nuneaton that was set up to relive pressure off the Local hospital by also being a Walk in and out of hours surgery.
For the past 5 years or so this as been great and there needs to be more surgery in the UK like this.
I choose this surgery because it is open 8.00-20.00 7 days open week and 365(6) days of the year. I got in trouble with a lot of employers over this who refused to believe that I could see a GP on a Saturday or Sunday morning when I was so sick a few years back that I ended up being bed ridden for almost a month sold.
Living on a Narrow boat, it has helped to be linked to a surgery like this and able to use a hospital so close to the cut, I would recommend both of these NHS Service to any boater especially one with a long term illness, disability, long term treatment or possibly needing an operation.
It is a shame that both George Eliot Hospital and the GP Lead Health Center are always facing budget cuts, being Privatized and being given negative feed back in the press from time to time.
I am able to travel along the Coventry Canal for my medical appointments when I am required to do so for both myself and my son. We are lucky to get all of our appointments either on the same day or in the same week.
At times we have used public transports if moored too far away or have a medical emergency, that way Alan can take his time to move the boat if required and meet use there later on in the day or week.
Below I have put some local news reports that may interested in reading.
Due to living on the water it is not like you are able to receive door to door service form any emergency service that you may require.
This is some thing that I personal had to deal with nice living on the cut and have alway insured that we have moored near a main road if possible or a bridge that is near a road.
When you have children aboard and are pregnant there health must come first.
However people always tend to forget how import it is to keep them selves safe and how mooring next to other boaters, near roads, bridges, pubs and built up areas etc could be the matter between life and death.
Not to mention knowing your surroundings and which hospital you many end up and how you will get home once you are discharged so carrying some money with you, knowing a cash machine, taxi number or having someone pick you up is something that you seriously need to think of.
I know a lot of what I have said is common sense, how ever when you constantly move around and are not tied to one particular area it is surprising how much things can change in such a short space of time especially Publish Services e.g
Local Bus Services
Shops available
Post Offices
Leisure Services
I have found this a lot since traveling in an around Warwickshire that most dissension that are made within Warwickshire are agreed by Warwickshire Country Council. There has even been talks that all decisions for places like Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council many be made and go though Warwick direct.
You may be thinking how dose this effect me? Especially when you live on the cut, but it would effect any one wishing to claim benefit sure as Housing Benefits to help pay for there Boat Licence. It would mean having to travel to Warwick and apply for your licence there.
One of the main things that I personal have breathed a sire of relief of is that the Maternity Unit is currently being refurbished at George Eliot Hospital. This means that I should have no problem having my second child there IF we are in the area when my baby desired to enter this world.
A few years ago George Eliot use to have a children's ward called "Catrina Ward", which as now closed. There still have facilities at A&E for child but for any thing major you must take your children to Coventry University Hospital.
To my knowledge if you were to phone 999 for your child it would be Coventry University Hospital that you would be taken too.
At present you can get between George Eliot Hospital and Coventry University Hospital it is a service that is provided by Travel De Courcey
At present the estimated cost in a taxi from Coventry University Hospital to Nuneaton is about £70.00 one way.
At present the estimated cost in a taxi from Atherstone to George Eliot Hospital Nuneaton is about £40.00 one way.
When my son took ill in November 2014 we were moored at the Anchor Pub it cost me £40.00 in total.
With myself I ended up have to make around 8 calls to 999 and be admitted to A&E at George Eliot Hospital lucky I was only moored in Atherstone of very local to the Hospital so was able to walk home or stay with friends and family that live local to the area.
With regards to doctors surgery I still use a families address for my son and myself and use the GP Lead Health Center in Nuneaton that was set up to relive pressure off the Local hospital by also being a Walk in and out of hours surgery.
For the past 5 years or so this as been great and there needs to be more surgery in the UK like this.
I choose this surgery because it is open 8.00-20.00 7 days open week and 365(6) days of the year. I got in trouble with a lot of employers over this who refused to believe that I could see a GP on a Saturday or Sunday morning when I was so sick a few years back that I ended up being bed ridden for almost a month sold.
Living on a Narrow boat, it has helped to be linked to a surgery like this and able to use a hospital so close to the cut, I would recommend both of these NHS Service to any boater especially one with a long term illness, disability, long term treatment or possibly needing an operation.
It is a shame that both George Eliot Hospital and the GP Lead Health Center are always facing budget cuts, being Privatized and being given negative feed back in the press from time to time.
I am able to travel along the Coventry Canal for my medical appointments when I am required to do so for both myself and my son. We are lucky to get all of our appointments either on the same day or in the same week.
At times we have used public transports if moored too far away or have a medical emergency, that way Alan can take his time to move the boat if required and meet use there later on in the day or week.
Below I have put some local news reports that may interested in reading.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Between about the 11th April 2015-14th April 2015 we were probable the most HATE people on the cut and the most talked about after I posted a phone conversation on my You Tube count between Mr Alan Baxter and a member of the Canal and River Trust.
Some of the comment that we revived were unbelievable and the post finally was take down by "Narrowboat Users Group" after being posted by Mr N Brown Founder, Legal Officer, Secretary at the National Bargee Travelers Association.
With in one day we had over 1,000 people view the conversation that can be found at the below link.
The You Tube link was shared at the following Face book Sites listed below.
Canal Dwellers R Us
Boating Families
K & A Boaters
London Boaters
NBTA Users Group
Oxford Narrowboat Engineering
Lock 88
River Lea & Stort Boaters
Rickmansworth and Watford Boaters.
Below are some of the comments that were made. I have tried to remove personal details.
Some of the comment that we revived were unbelievable and the post finally was take down by "Narrowboat Users Group" after being posted by Mr N Brown Founder, Legal Officer, Secretary at the National Bargee Travelers Association.
With in one day we had over 1,000 people view the conversation that can be found at the below link.
The You Tube link was shared at the following Face book Sites listed below.
Canal Dwellers R Us
Boating Families
K & A Boaters
London Boaters
NBTA Users Group
Oxford Narrowboat Engineering
Lock 88
River Lea & Stort Boaters
Rickmansworth and Watford Boaters.
Below are some of the comments that were made. I have tried to remove personal details.
- reckon that let him know he bit off more than he can chew,
- CRT believe that they can be vague on rule definition but law of the land always over rules ace handling of a very aggressive caller good for you
- .. class... game on...
- Stunning. The level of communication from someone perporting to be a 'professional' beggars belief. There's a training opportunity waiting for someone to suggest how to hold a customer service call with customers. This is a fine example of what NOT to do.
- Well done Mr.... And so, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an shining example of how to handle harassment by CRT...
- geeza didnt know what he let himself in for when he made that call,at least its on record(or do do the crt not record calls)that crt had phoned this gentleman to harass him,but only because he might of looked like an easy target,i take my hat off to that man
- How is a mechanical breakdown being unreasonable?
- I finally heard it! Yep - reasonable in the circumstances and he had no clue what the circumstances were!
- Found out to day that the recording as reached Canal World Discussion Forum.
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