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Tuesday 14 April 2015


Between about the 11th April 2015-14th April 2015 we were probable the most HATE people on the cut and the most talked about after I posted a phone conversation on my You Tube count between Mr Alan Baxter and a member of the Canal and River Trust.

Some of the comment that we revived were unbelievable and the post finally was take down by "Narrowboat Users Group" after being posted by Mr N Brown Founder, Legal Officer, Secretary at the National Bargee Travelers Association.

With in one day we had over 1,000 people view the conversation that can be found at the below link.

The You Tube link was shared at the following Face book Sites listed below.

Canal Dwellers R Us
Boating Families
K & A Boaters
London Boaters
NBTA Users Group
Oxford Narrowboat Engineering
Lock 88
River Lea & Stort Boaters
Rickmansworth and Watford Boaters.

Below are some of the comments that were made.  I have tried to remove personal details.

  • Fabulous, we should all record our phone calls to them 
  •  Nice one! Did you get a letter?
  • Well held Alan! That WAS an intentionally intimidating telephone call.
  •  reckon that let him know he bit off more than he can chew,
  •  CRT believe that they can be vague on rule definition but law of the land always over rules ace handling of a very aggressive caller good for you
  • Well handled that man!
  • .. class... game on...
  •  Stunning. The level of communication from someone perporting to be a 'professional' beggars belief. There's a training opportunity waiting for someone to suggest how to hold a customer service call with customers. This is a fine example of what NOT to do.
  •  Well done Mr.... And so, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an shining example of how to handle harassment by CRT...
  • geeza didnt know what he let himself in for when he made that call,at least its on record(or do do the crt not record calls)that crt had phoned this gentleman to harass him,but only because he might of looked like an easy target,i take my hat off to that man
  •  How is a mechanical breakdown being unreasonable?
  •  I finally heard it! Yep - reasonable in the circumstances and he had no clue what the circumstances were!
    • Alan Baxter a right panning.
    •  I think crt were reasonable and the boater out of line and childish
    •  Why did it take 5 months to fix it? What was wrong? I can't see this as a win myself and bandying "I just bullied a crap enforcement officer" around ain't going to play well with the opposition
    • 12 hrs · Like
    • Just listened... I'm giggling...
      12 hrs · Like
    •  Mate ignore the negative shit that's been said... "most" of the boating "family" are supporting you
      11 hrs · Like
    • there was no foul ball played in the conversation i heard,just like a football or netball or any match the opposition are there to be beaten,and the person in question was making a call just to introduce himself(apparently)well after 2 minutes his attitude changed,like the man said(seeing as he called on a mobile phone so call wasnt recorded)well hey ho it was,and will never stand up in a court of law
      11 hrs · Like
    •  No the opposition are not there to be beaten in this situation; they are there to be negotiated with and Mr Garner was trying; albiet wimpishly, to do exactly that. He got bullied and in other corners of FB the CC haters are having a ball. Epic Win... Not!
      11 hrs · Like
    •  alan you dont need to explain yourself to any of us,you have notified the powers that be.
    • im gonna put me foot in me mouth again and say,dan mellville if you dont like this page get the fuck off and it isnt your problem anymore,simples
      11 hrs · Like
    •  fair play Alan; sadly that doesn't show in your posted conversation; hence my concerns, however I must say that the lot was probably three days' work all in... It took 5 months. That doesn't help!
    • 11 hrs · Like
    • ignore the negative comments alan,cdrus is about people that support each other,not just on boating issues,thats the difference betwen this page and nug,we are all here for each other no matter what situation we are in
      11 hrs · Like
    •  lmao,he seems to of hushed down a bit,maybe he will pipe up somewhere tomorrow when he has actually got a life and realised people on cdrus stick together/
      you go and have yourself a peacefull night alan,you have done nothing wrong,sleep well my freind
      11 hrs · Like
    • Alan is a fecking dickhead. He has proved only that he is a nob of the highest order!!!
      9 hrs · Edited · Like
    • Just what CRT like to see. All of us falling out with each other. 

  • Found out to day that the recording as reached Canal World Discussion Forum.

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